Kigtropin – HgH

Buy Kigtropin - hgh
Company: Kigtropin (China)
Usage: peptides
Packaging: 10 IU Vials
Type: injectable

Kigtropin (Human Growth Hormone) [Somatropin]

Somatropin (Kigtropin), is a recombinant Human Growth Hormone (HgH) for injection. It is a white lyophilized powder consisting of the identical sequence of 191 amino acids of human growth hormone. The molecular formula is C990H1528N262O300S7. Its molecular weight is 22,125 Daltons.

As with no other doping drug, growth hormones are still surrounded by an aura of mystery. Some call it a wonder drug which causes gigantic strength and muscle gains in the shortest time. Others consider it completely useless in improving sports performance and argue that it only promotes the growth process in children with an early stunting of growth. Some are of the opinion that growth hormones in adults cause severe bone deformities in the form of overgrowth of the lowerjaw and extremities. And, generally speaking, which growth hormones should one take the human form, the synthetically manufactured version, recombined or genetically produced form and in which dosage? All this controversy about growth hormones is so complex that the reader must have some basic information in order to understand them.

The growth hormones is a polypeptide hormone consisting of 191 amino acids. In humans it is produced in the hypophysis and released if there are the right stimuli (e.g. training, sleep, stress, low blood sugar level). It is now important to understand that the freed HGH (Human Growth Hormones) itself has no direct effect but only stimulates the liver to produce and release insulin-like growth factors and somatomedins. These growth factors are then the ones that cause various effects on the body. The problem, however, is that the liver is only capable of producing a limited amount of these substances so that the effect is limited. If growth hormones are injected they only stimulate the liver to produce and release these substances and thus, as already mentioned, have no direct effect.

The use of these STH (Somatotropic Hormone Compounds) (Kigtropin or other) offers the athlete three performance-enhancing effects. STH (Somatotropic Hormone) has a strong anabolic effect and causes an increased protein synthesis which manifests itself in a muscular hypertrophy (enlargement of muscle cells) and in a muscular hyperplasia (increase of muscle cells). The latter is very interesting since this increase cannot be obtained by the intake of steroids. This is probably also the reason why STH is called the strongest anabolic hormone. The second effect of STH is its pronounced influence on the burning of fat. It turns more body fat into energy leading to a drastic reduction in fat or allowing the athlete to increase his caloric intake. Third, and often overlooked, is the fact that STH strengthens the connective tissue, tendons, and cartilages which could be one of the main reasons for the significant increase in strength experienced by many athletes. Several bodybuilders and powerlifters report that through the simultaneous intake with steroids STH protects the athlete from injuries while inereasing his strength.

You will say that this sounds just wonderful. What is the problem, however since there are still some who argue that STH offers nothing to athletes? There are, by all means, several athletes who have tried STH and who were sadly disappointed by its results. However, as with many things in life, there is a logical explanation or perhaps even more than one:

1. The athlete simply has not taken a sufficient amount of STH regularly and over a long enough period of time. STH is a very expensive compound and an effective dosage is unaffordable by most people.

2. When using STH the body also needs more thyroid hormones, insulin, corticosteroids, gonadotropins, estrogens and what a surprise androgens and anabolics. This is also the reason why STH, when taken alone, is considerably less effective and can only reach its optimum effect by the additive intake of steroids, thyorid hormones, and insulin, in particular.

But we must point out in this case that STH has a predominantly anabolic effects. There are three hormones which are needed at the same time in order to allow for maximum anabolic effect. These are STH, insulin, and an LT-3 thyroid hormone, such as, for example, Cytomel T3. Only then can the liver produce and release an optimal amount of somatomedin and insulin-like growth factors. This anabolic effect can be further enhanced by taking a substance with an anticatabolic effect. These substances are-everybody should probably know by now-anabolic/androgenic steroids or Clenbuterol. Then a synergetic effect takes place. Are you still wondering why pro bodybuilders are so incredibly massive but, at the same time, totally ripped while you are not. Most athletes have tried STH during preparation for a competition in that phase when the diet is calorie-reduced.

The body usually reacts by reducing the release of insulin and of the L-T3 thyroid hormone. And, as was described under point 2, this is not an advantageous condition when STH is expected to work well. Well, we almost forgot. Those who combine Clenbuterol with STH, should know that Clenbuterol (like Ephedrine) reduces the body’s own release of insulin and L-T3. True, this seems a little complicated and when reading it for the first time it might be a little confusing; however it really is true: STH has a significant influence on several hormones in the human body; this does not allow for a simple administration schedule.

As said, STH (Kigtropin for example) is not cheap and those who intend to use it should know a little more about it. If you only want to burn fat with STH you will only have to remember user information for the part with the L-T3 thyroid hormone as is printed by Kabi Pharmacia GmbH for their compound Genotropin: The need of the thyroid hormone often inereases during treatment with growth hormones.

3. Since most athletes vho want to use STH can only obtain it if prescribed by a physician, the only supply source remains the black market. And this is certainly another reason why some athletes might not have been very happy with the effect of the purchased compound. How could he, if cheap HCG was passed off as expensive STH? Since both compounds are available as dry substances, all that would be needed is a new label of Serono’s Saizen or Lilly’s Humatrope on the HCG ampule. It is no longer fun when somebody is paying $200 for 5000 I.U. of HCG, only worth $ 12, and thinking that he just purchased 4 I.U. of STH. And if you think this happens only to novices and to the ignorant, ask Ben Johnson. “Big Ben”, who during three tests within five days showed an above-limit testosterone level, was not a victim of his own stupidity but more likely the victim of fraud.

According to statistics by the German Drug Administration, 42% of the HGH vials confiscated on the North American black market are fakes. In addition to a display of labels in the Dutch or Russian language the fakes are distinguished from the original product, in sofar as the dry substance is not present as lyophilic but present as loose powder. The fakes confiscated so far use the name “Humatrope 16” under the name of Lilly Company (with Dutch denomination) or “Somatogen” (in Russian).

Nowhere can this much money be made except by faking STH. Who has ever held original growth hormones in his hand and known how they should look?4. In a few very rare cases the body reacts by developing antibodies to the exogenous STH, thus making it ineffective. The question of the right dosage, as well as the type and duration of application, is very difficult to answer. Since there is no scientificresearch showing how STH should be taken for performance improvement, we can only rely on empirical data, that is experimental values.

The respective manufacturers indicate that in cases of hypophysially stunted growth due to lacking or insuffieient release of growt hormones by the hypophysis, a weekly average dose of 0.3 I.U/ week per pound of body weight should be taken. An athlete weighting 200 pounds, therefore, would have to inject 60 I.U. weekly. The dosage would be divided into three intramuscular injections of 20 I.U. each.

Subcutaneous injections (under the skin) are another form of intake which, however would have to be injected daily, usually 8 I.U. per day. Top athletes usually inject 4-16 I.U./day. Ordinarily, daily subcutaneous injections are preferred. Since STH has a half life time of less than one hour, it is not surprising that some athletes divide their dail dose into three or four subcutaneous injections of 2-4 I.U. each. Application of regular small dosages seems to bring the most effective results. This also has its reasons: When STH is injected, serum concentration in the blood rises quickly, meaning that the effect is almost immediate.

As we know, STH stimulates the liver to produce and release somatomedins and insulin like growth factors which in turn effect the desired results in the body. Since the liver can only produce a limited amount of these substances, we doubt that larger STH injections will induce the liver to produce instantaneously a larger quantity of somatomedins and insulin-like growth factors. It seems more likely that the liver will react more favorably to smaller dosages. If the STH solution is injected subcutaneously several consecutive times at the same point of injection, a loss of fat tissue is possible. Therefore, the point of injection, or even better, the entire sisde of the body should be continuously, changed in order to avoid a loss of local fat tissue (lipoathrophy) in the injection cell. One thing has manifested itself over the years: The effect of STH is dosage-dependent. This means either invest a lot of money and do it right or do not even begin. Half-hearted attempts are condemned to failure Minimum effective dosages seem to start at 4 I.U. per day. For comparison: the hypophysis of a healthy; adult, releases 0.5-1.5 I.U. growth hormones daily.

The duration of intake usually depends on the athlete’s financial resources. Our experience is that STH is taken over a prolonged period, from at least six weeks to several months. It is interesting to note that the effect of STH does not stop after a few weeks; this usually allows for continued improvements at a steady dosage. Bodybuilders who have had positive results with STH have reported that the build-up strength and, in particular, the newly-gained muscle system were essentially maintained after discontinuance of the product. It remains to be clarified what happens with the insulin and LT-3 thyroid hormone. Athletes who take STH in their build-up phase usually do not need exogenous insulin. It is recommended, in this case, that the athlete eats a complete meal every three hours, resulting in 6-7 meals day. This causes the body to continuously release insulin so that the blood sugar level does not fall too low. The use of LT-3 thyroid hormones, in this phase, is carried out reluctantly by athletes. In any case, you must have a physician check the thyroid hormone level during the intake of STH. Simultaneous use of anabolic /androgenic steroids and/or Clenbuterol is usually appropriate.

During the preparation for a competition the use of thyroid hormones steadily inereases. Sometimes insulin is taken together with STH, as well as with steroids and Clenbuterol. Apart from the high damage potential that exogenous insulin can have in non-diabetics, incorrect use will simply and plainly make you FAT! Too much insulin activates certain enzymes which convert glucose into glycerol and finally into triglyceride. Too little insulin, especially during a diet, reduces the anabolic effect of STH. The solution to this dilemma?

Visiting a qualified physician who advises the athlete during this undertaking and who, in the event of exogenous insulin supply, checks the blood sugar level and urine periodically. According to what we have heard so far, athletes usually inject intermediately-effective insulin having a maximum duration of effect of 24 hours once a day. Human insulin such as Depot-H-Insulin Hoechst is generally used. Briefly-effective insulin with a maximum duration of effect of eight hours is rarely used by athletes. Again a human insulin such as H-Insulin Hoechst is preferred. The undesired effect of growth hormones, the so-called side effects, are also a very interesting and hotly-discussed issue. Above all it must be said: STH has none of the typical side effects of anabolic/androgenic steroids including reduced endogenous testosterone production, acne, hair loss, aggressiveness, elevated estrogen level, virilization symptoms in women, and increased water and salt retention. The main side effects that are possible with STH are an abnormally small concentration of glucose in the blood (hypoglycemia) and an inadequate thyroid function. In some cases antibodies against growth hormones are developed but are clinically irrelevant.

What about the horror stories about acromegaly, bone deformation, heart enlargement, organ conditions, gigantism, and early death? In order to answer this question a clear differentiation must be made between humans before and after puberty. The growth plates in a person continue to grow in length until puberty. After puberty neither an endogenous hypersection of growth hormones nor an excessive exogenous supply of STH can cause additional growth in the length of the bones. Abnormal size (gigantism) initially goes hand in hand with remarkable body strength and muscular hardness in the afflicted; later, if left untreated, it ends in weakness and death. Again, this is only possible in pre-pubescent humans who also suffer from an inadequate gonadal function (hypogonadism). Humans who suffer from an endogenous hypersecrehon after puberty and whose normal growth is completed can also suffer from acromegaly. Bones become wider but not longer. There is a progressive growth in the hands and feet and enlargement of features due to the growth of the lower jaw and nose.

What the authorities like to do now is to present extreme cases of athletes suffering from these malfunctions in order to discourage others and to drum into athletes the fact that with the exogenous supply of growth hormones they would suffer the same destiny. This, however, is very unlikely, as reality has proven. Among the numerous athletes using STH comparatively few are seven feet tall Neanderthalers with a protruded lower jaw, deformed skull, claw like hands, thick lips, and prominent bone plates who walk around in size 25 shoes. In order to avoid any misunderstandings, we do not want to disguise the possible risks of exogenous STH use in adults and healthy humans, but one should at least try to be openminded.

Acromegaly, diabpetes, thyroid insuficiency, heart muscle hypertrophy, high blood ressure, and enlargement of the kidneys are theoretically possible if STH is used excessively over prolonged periods of time; however, in reality and particularly when it comes to the external attributes, these are rarely present. Some athletes report headaches, nausea, vomiting, and visual disturbances during the first weeks of intake. These symptoms disappear in most cases even with continued intake. The most common problems with STH occur when the athlete intends to inject insulin in addition to STH. The substance somatropin is available as a dried powder and before injecting it must be mixed with the enclosed solution-containing ampule. The ready solution must be injected immediately or stored in the refrigerator for up to 24 hours.

It is usually recommended that the compound be stored in the refrigerator. With the exception of the remedy Saizen the biological activity of growth hormones is usually not impaired when storing the dry substance at 15-25 C (room temperature); however, a cooler place (2-8° C) is preferable.On the black market the price for 4 I.U. each of the compounds Genotropin, Humatrope, Norditropin, and Saizen, in Europpe is $80-120 for a prick-through vial including the solution ampule. As already mentioned, there are many fakes. It is noted that for the U.S.-American growth hormones compounds, the substance content is not given in I.U.(International Units) but in mg (milligrams).

Since l mg corresponds to exactly 2.7 I.U. the 5mg solution of the compound Humatrope by Lilly contains exactl 13.5 I.U. of Somatropin. The 10 mg solution of the Protropin compound by the Genentech therefore contains 27 I.U. of Somatropin. In American powerlifting and bodybuilding circles Humatrope is usually preferred over Protropin. The reason is that Humatrope is synthesized from a chain of 191 amino acids and thus is identical to the amino acid sequence of the human growth hormones. Protropin, on the other hand, consists of 192 amino acids, one amino acid too many. This might be the explanation for why more antibodies are developed with Protropin than with Humatrope. growth hormones are on the doping list but they are not yet detectable during doping tests.

What is Kigtropin?

Kigtropin is a brand name of HGH that is produced synthetically and it is used to replace natural HGH that is produced by the pituitary gland. HGH was once a very expensive drug, but it is now much more commonly available.

For example, Sylvester Stallone had to pay a fine to an Australian court for possessing HGH and Tiger Wood’s physician was recently charged with HGH possession and administering it to patients.

Today, due to inexpensive supplies that can be purchased on the internet, primarily from Chinese sources, Kigtropin is widely used.

Kigtropin side effects

Side effects include water retention in the extremeties, Carpal Tunel Syndrome like symptoms. These sides will normally cease several weeks after the administration of GH is ended. Possible permanent effects are Type II Diabetes, acgromegely of the bones in the hands feet and face (as would occur in gigantisism, a disease caused by hyper-pituitary excess production of GH). HGH may cause insulin desensitivity. Glucophage may be taken to increase the insulin sensitivity in the user, countering the negative effect of the GH.

Sombody can say – it decreases Thyroid output also, but the distinct fat burning effect of GH questions the relevance of this claim. Gh is best used with insulin and Anabolic Steroids (AS). This will cause a synergistic effect of all the drugs used, a very powerful bulking cycle (possibly with less fat retention from high caloric intake, than would be possible without GH) for the advanced user. If no insulin use is desired, GH can be used with AS, and with added glucophage if desired. This will cause little if any bulk gains past what would be realized with just the AS alone, but with a more quality, cut, look.

AS shoud be used with Kigtropin; however some may use GH alone during a short bridge peroid when off AS, in order to retain mass gain on the previous AS cycle. So, basically Kigtropin is not a good bulking drug in itself. It is a very good cutting drug and in addition to AS and insulin is part of a great bulking stack.


  • Kigtropin (HGH) increases tissues strength and growth by improved metabolism
  • Kigtropin (HGH) enables faster recovery period
  • Kigtropin (HGH) fights aging effects
  • You can buy Kigtropin (Human Growth Hormone) here

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Fincar, Finasteride, Generic Proscar/Propecia, Dutas, Dutasteride


  • Active Ingredient: Dutasteride
  • Generic Names: Avodart, Dutas, Veltride

General information (Description)

Dutas is the generic brand name for Dutasteride, an oral medicine made by GlaxoSmithKline for treating symptomatic benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH) in men. Dutasteride, has the added benefit of treating genetic male pattern hair loss on the vertex (top of the head) and the mid-scalp area. Dutas is chemically similar to Finasteride, the active compound in Propecia. Dutas is also known by its US brand name, Avodart. The medicine has been approved by the US Food & Drug Administration, and in Europe, for treating BPH. Dutasteride is supplied in 0.5mg soft gelatin capsules.

How does Dutasteride work?

Researchers have discovered that men who suffer from benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), or from male pattern hair loss, have increased levels of the hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT). DHT is produced from testosterone by an enzyme called 5-alpha-reductase. Biochemical analysis reveals higher levels of 5-alpha-reductase in the bloodstream of men with BPH, and in the scalps of men with hair loss; and less of this enzyme in men with no BPH or no hair loss. Dutasteride inhibits 5-alpha-reductase, blocking the formation of DHT. This interrupts a key trigger element in both BPH and development of male pattern hair loss.

What is dihydrotesterone (DHT)?

DHT is one of several male hormones in the body. DHT is responsible for the development of the external genitals in the male foetus. However, in adult males DHT appears to cause:

  • male pattern hair loss
  • prostate enlargement
  • shortening of the growing phase of hair
  • progressive miniaturisation of hair follicles
  • decreasing number of visible hairs acne

How is Dutasteride different from Propecia?

Both medicines work in a similar way. However, Dutasteride inhibits the activities of two types of 5-alpha-reductase enzymes. In contrast, Propecia (Finasteride) only inhibits one type. It has been shown to decreases levels of DHT by 90% after only two weeks, making it a more powerful and faster-acting weapon against BPH and hair loss than Finasteride.

What studies and trials have been done concerning Dutasteride?

A total of 2951 men with moderate to severe BPH were treated with 0.5 mg Dutasteride daily. The study found that acute urinary retention was reduced by 57%, and the risk of benign prostatic hyperplasia-related surgical intervention was cut by 48% compared with placebo. The drug was shown to be well tolerated.

GlaxoSmithKline also completed Phase II trials for FDA approval of Dutas for treating hair loss. After six month of treatment, the hair counts measured in a 1 inch diameter circle increased by an average 96 hairs with 0.5mg Dutasteride daily, compared to an average 72 hairs with 5mg Propecia (Finasteride) daily.

So these initial trials show that Dutasteride is around 30% more effective than Propecia in promoting hair regrowth. It is approved by the US FDA and by European bodies for the treatment of BPH, and so has passed all relevant safety standards. However, please note that it has only been specifically approved for treating BPH. It has not yet been approved specifically for treating hair loss.

Will Dutasteride help hair re-growth for all men?

As with Propecia, it increases the number of scalp hairs, helping to fill-in thin areas of the scalp. Although results will vary, generally men will not re-grow all of the hair they have lost. Male pattern hair loss occurs gradually over time, but it can significantly reduce or delay hair loss. Note that Dutas is not yet approved for treating hair loss: its effects are a side-effect of its actions against BPH.

Is Dutasteride safe?

Clinical trials showed that it was generally well tolerated. Most side effects were mild or moderate and generally went away while on treatment in both the Dutasteride and placebo groups.

It should not be used in women and children. Women who are pregnant or may become pregnant should not handle this medicine because of possibility of absorption and subsequent potential risk to a male foetus.

Men treated with Dutasteride should not donate blood until at least six months after their final dose to prevent the medicine going to a pregnant woman through a blood transfusion.

Men with liver disease should talk to their doctor before taking Dutasteride


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Duraject (Durabolin) [Nandrolone Phenylpropionate]

Durabolin has good anabolic effect which leads to steady and consistent muscle growth.. This is accompanied with a moderate androgenic effect thus speeding up regeneration and maintaining mass even while on the diet. Also, it is associated with much lower water retention comparing to nandrolone decanoate (deca-durabolin) which makes it more suitable for cutting (pre-competition) cycles while nandrolone decanoate suits better for mass and strength. Gains with nandrolone phenilpropionate are smaller and not that quick, however, this is more “quality” and lean meat, which has more chances to sustain after the cycle is over

Dosage and usage

It remains active for 2-3 days after injection, so one should inject no less than 2 times a week, preferably EOD.
Common dosage is approx. 50-100 mg per injection, i.e. 150-300 mg/week.

Durabolin Stacking

The gains are not that big and are being earned slower than with Deca (nandrolone decanoate), however, they are of a higher quality and better preserve after the cycle is finished.

Moderate gaining stack (can’t name it “bulking” 🙂 Durabolin 50 mg/EOD, Testosterone Propionate 50 mg/ED (or 100 mg/EOD) and Winstrol (stanozolol) tablets 20 mg/ ED

Possible relief (cutting) cycle: Duraboline (Nandrolone Phenylpropionate), Equipoise (Boldenone) / Drostanolon, Winstrol oral (Stanozolol)

Durabolin detection time

12 months

Side effects and PCT (Post Cycle Therapy)

Durabolin has low sides and could be considered as relatively safe and mild drug while still offering great results. It is not liver-toxic and could be used even in cases of liver disease. Side effects occur only in rare occasions for sensitive persons. There’s no water retention, no elevated blood pressure or raised estrogen level.

Virtually no virilization symptoms for males and low for females.

However, it still suppresses endogenous testosterone production. Although this suppression is relatively mild, it could become an issue if product is taken at high doses over a prolonged period of time.

Female usage

Females should take it once a week in order to avoid excessive concentration of androgens due to durabolin accumulation in the body. Possible cycle is Deca-Durabolin 50 mg / week (single injection), Testosterone Propionate 50 mg injected every 8-10 days plus Anavar (oxandrolone) 10 mg/ED or Winstrol (stanozolol) 10 mg/ED. Also, try to keep 3-4 days time gap between injections of deca-durabolin and test, do not inject them altogether.

Virilization symptoms (acne, huskiness, deep voice, hirsutism, increased libido) are unlikely to occur if maintaining proper schedule and dosages.



  • Low water retention
  • Suitable for pre-competition cycle
  • You can buy Durabolin here

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Buy Dostinex (Cabergoline)

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Dostinex (Cabergoline) / Cabaser

What is Dostinex?

Cabaser  is a rather new compound, which originally was developed to lower prolactin levels in individuals with tumor of hypophysis and other disorders of prolactin production. But during clinical trials it was discovered that Cabaser has very interesting “side-effect” – it greatly improves the quality of sex. That is why it was called a “drug for pleasure”.


Usually to get the necessary sex improvement this drug is taken at the dosage 1mg  every 4 days (half of a tablet) Nevertheless some people take the whole tablet every 4 days. However one should remember that Cabaser is officially approved only for treatment of hyperprolactinemia, and not as a drug for increasing libido.

The bottle of Dostinex may last you for a long time. For example if a package of Cabaser contains eight tablets and you use one tablet every four days, this package will be enough for a month. In case you take half of a tablet every four days it will last for a couple of months.

How does it differ from other sex drugs?

The effect of this drug differs from other sex drugs. For instance, Viagra is designed to improve sexual life of many men – it pumps the blood into penis, thus producing erection. However it doesn’t improve other sides of sexual life (e.g. sexual desire, excitement, orgasm, ejaculation etc.). Viagra is a good drug, but erection is not enough for a good sex. That is why many men report that despite erection, the sexual feelings are not the same as they were in their youth.

Cabaser has quite different mechanism of action as compared to Viagra. It produces all the necessary aspects of sexual life, which Viagra is not able to do. In general it enhances sexual drive, ejaculation and orgasm. Cabergoline belongs to dopaminergic agents and its main function is the reduction of prolactin levels in the body. Meanwhile prolactin is known for its reduction of sexual drive.

That is why after delivery and during breast feeding women usually have very low desire to have sex. The absence of sexual desire is also observed in men with high level of polactin (e.g. prolactinoma). With age the level of prolactin may increase in absolutely healthy men, which leads to decreased libido.

Besides prolactin is released immediately after ejaculation which gives you a feeling that you “don’t want anymore”.  Cabergoline reduces the level of this hormone and thus greatly increases your sexual drive.  Thus with this compound you may experience amazing orgasms and powerful ejaculations. Besides increased prolactin levels may be the reason of depression and negatively influence your health status. So, by decreasing the level of prolactin, this drug can make your mood and general well-being better.

This is why Dostinex is considered as “drug for everyone” and not only for those who have decreased libido. One should also mention that Cabaser increases sexual desire not only in men, but in women as well, because its primary target is brain. Therefore the difference between Viagra and Cabergoline is that the latter makes you desire to have sex and lets you enjoy it.

How much Dostinex is needed for sex enhancement?

Usually people report that half a tab every 4 days is enough to cause the desired increase in sex drive and libido.

However, some prefer a full tab every 4 days. Keep in mind that Dostinex is not approved as a sexual enhancement tool, most medical studies about Cabaser were for treating patients with hyperprolactinemia.

How long will one bottle of preparate last me?

One bottle of Dostinex contains 8 tabs. If you take 1 tab every 4 days, it will last you about a month.
If you decide to use just half a tab each time, it will last about two months.

So how’s Dostinex different from Viagra?

It is very different from Viagra. Viagra is a medication specifically for erectile dysfunction. Viagra will do absolutely nothing for other essential aspects of good sexual function such as libido (sex drive, arousal & excitement), orgasm and ejaculation.

Viagra is a great medicine and has helped many men achieve erections, but that’s just part of what’s needed. Viagra is much like the erection you sometimes get when you wake up (aka “morning wood”). Viagra will just increase the blood flow in the penis causing an erection. It has nothing to do with libido, orgasm, ejaculation and other elements that constitute good sex. That’s the reason men complain that although they can have erections, sex is still not the same as it was when they were young. Why? Because their libido (sex drive) is much lower than it used to be when they were young.

This is where Dostinex shines over Viagra. It does everything that Viagra doesn’t do. Cabaser improves libido, orgasm and ejaculation. Dostinex is a new drug from the dopaminergic family of drugs that decreases the hormone prolactin. Prolactin is the number one libido killer! Prolactin is the hormone that is also secreted in women after giving birth. That’s the reason women have extremely low or no sex drive at all after having given birth and for as long as they are breast feeding. Men with high levels of prolactin such as those that suffer from prolactinoma have no sex drive. As we age prolactin levels may become high for many perfectly healthy men, causing low sex drive.

Prolactin is the same hormone is secreted immediately after ejaculation and makes you feel like ‘you don’t feel like anymore’. Its part of the reason you just want to go sleep after ejaculation with no will for another. Dostinex will decrease this hormone and increase your libido substantially. You’ll more likely feel like want to have sex and you may experience multiple orgasms as well as overwhelming orgasms and stronger ejaculations. High levels of prolactin were also shown to cause depression and affect well-being. By lowering prolactin, Dostinex may actually improve your well-being and generally make your ‘feel better’.

Dostinex is the pleasure drug of choice that can work for everybody and not just for people with sexual dysfunction. It may have the same sexualizing effect on women. This is due to the fact that Dost works on the primary sexual order: The brain! While Viagra may be useful for making an erection, Dostinex is useful for actually wanting the erection and enjoying it!


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Dianabol (Naposim / Danabol)

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Dianabol / Methandienone / Methandrosterolone / Naposim / Danabol

This steroid plays very special place in the sport in general and bodybuilding in particular. Even the word "legendary" would be not enough. A day when it appeared on the market in 1956 under dianabol brand name was a glorious day in the doping history in the sport.

Dianabol is an oral steroid, which possesses both –  strong anabolic and androgenic characteristics and produces enormous effect on protein (i. e. muscle) synthesis in the body and notable increase of strength. Additional positive effect is improvement of general feeling of well-being. In few words: Dianabol is quick and reliable "mass-making steroid".

There are a couple of reasons why athlete choose dianabol (methandienone) – to boost gains on the beginning of cycle/season or to prevent loss of gains between cycles when test level is going down.

When starting using this drug, athlete can gain 1-2 kgs (2-4 pounds) every week for the first six weeks of the cycle. However, this is not dry, lean mass, much of these gains appears due to the growing of existing muscle cells (this is called hyper-trophy of muscle fibers) and substantial water retention.

It’s not known for sure whether dianabol was invented by John Ziegler or US laboratory called Ciba. But, anyway, John Ziegler could be called "father" of it because he promoted dianabol usage in the sport. At the beginning it has been used only in weight-lifting sports due to its unique ability of quick promotion of muscle mass and power, but then it become popular among other sportsmen as well. However, some time later, performance sportsmen realized that this is not ideal drug for them because it slows down speed and decreases durability, the cells are not "breathing" well. However, in bodybuilding dianabol become drug number one and kept this position till the end of 70es. Virtually all top bodybuilders used methandienone and many amateur bodybuilders starts from it, too.

Original dianabol brand is not produced since 1972, however, hundreds of other methandienone brands appeared on the market up to day. It was widely produced in the Eastern Europe and especially in Eastern Germany and USSR. In these countries preparation of all athletes – runners, weight-lifters, even swimmers has been based on dianabol despite of some disadvantages.

At the present time dianabol is not used in most of sports due to doping control, although there are still many disciplines where anti-doping rules are not that strict, primarily some versions of bodybuilding or power-lifting.

For vast majority of people Dianabol improves mood and appetite.

As a conclusion it is possible to say that dianabol is an excellent drug for fast gains and for keeping gains if one is using it properly.

Dosage and usage

Proper dianabol dosage varies from 15 to 40 mg, the most commonly used is 40 mg every day. For novices 20 mg is sufficient dosage. for second cycle it should be increased to 30-40 mg. To improve results during long cycle its a good idea to add 200-400 mg of Deca or 200-600 mg of Primo after 8 weeks rather than keep or increase  existing dianabol dosage, which should be stable during the cycle. Testosterone should be added only by advanced sportsmen when dianabol standalone  or deca/dianabol combo cease to produce sufficient results.

Actually, dianabol stabilizes androgen receptor very badly. Despite of this it stimulates protein synthesis very well somehow. The nature of this process is not discovered yet, the scientists suggest that it affect some unknown receptors on the surface of cell, which promotes protein synthesis. substantial amount of steroid remains inactive in the body.

Methandrostenolone largely enhances glycogenolysis (recovery of glycogen, exhausted during the workout). Also it reduces activity of cortisol, and thus helps to avoid the destruction of muscle fibers after the training. Contrary to popular belief, methandrostenolone is not very well aromatized, it’s molecule is quite similar to boldenone. However, it aromatizes not just to estradiol, but to a much more powerful 17-methyl-estradiol. So still a large part of gains consist of water which tends to leave the body at the end of cycle. Dosages of 25-30 mg/ED, however, doe not produce substantial water retention.

Methandrostenolone raises the level of dopamine in the body that helps to get rid of excessing body fat. Although it’s not well-studied scientifically, methandrostenolone certainly might be used in some "fat burning" cycles, for example, by combining it with non-aromatizing boldenone, trenbolone or Oxandrolone.

Dosages between 50 to 100 mg / day are reasonable only if dianabol is used standalone, however stacking (even 25-50 mg/ED) should provide much better results than simple increasing of dosage.

Dianabol has half-life period of only 3.5-4.5 hours, so it’s better to split daily dosage on 5-6 equal parts (or at least 2-3) and take it at regular intervals throughout the day preferably during the meal.

Stacking and cycles

M ethandrostenolone is best combined with drugs that stabilize the androgen receptor well: testosterone, trenbolone, nandrolone, methenolone, oxandrolone. You can try a combination of  methandrostenolone with boldenone as well. It’s better to avoid combining of methandienone with oxymetholone or fluoxymesterone. The reason is high load on the liver even despite this should produce very quick muscle gains (unfortunately, not lean muscle gains – a large part in this case will be water).

In general you need to combine fast acting dianabol/anadrol (oxymetholone) with long living substances like deca or maybe boldenone along with some kind of testosterones.

A good startup stack is deca (deca durabolin, nandrolone decanoate) 400 mg/week + dianabol (danabol, naposim, methandienone) 40-50 mg/day. Length of cycle is 8 weeks. Don’t forget about anti-estrogen from the week 3 and 1 week after the cycle – tamoxifen or clomid (1 tab ED). For this cycle we advice you also using LIV-52 for liver protection.

Using anti-estrogen for this cycle is important. Also, it restores natural test production. Using liv-52 is not absolutely necessary but makes this cycle completely safe.

For the whole 8 week cycle athlete needs: Deca: 3200mg, Dianabol" ~ 2240-2800 mg, Tamoxifen/Clomid: 50 tabs, Liv-52: 1 bottle.

When doing it as a kick-start of the cycle dianabol is used standalone for the first 3-6 weeks in a range between 20 and 100 mg/ED. The most common option, however, is 40-50 mg for 4 weeks then athlete cease dianabol and switch to long-acting injectable substances.

A cycle for advanced users who aim more on strength is dianabol 40 mg/Ed plus Anavar (oxandrolone) 30-40 mg/ED or Winstrol 50 mg/ ED.

Volume and strength cycle for advanced users will be dianabol 40 mg/ED plus testosterone (long living enanthate or sustanon) 250 mg/ week plus possibly Deca (nandrolone decanoate) – 200-400 mg/week

Dianabol (methandienone) is a bulking, but not pre-competition drug due to substantial water retention and high aromatization. In case athlete decides to go with it in the preparation for a contest he should actively use anti-estrogen like proviron or tamoxifen / clomiphen and  combine dianabol with other cutting or non-bulking drugs like Winstrol (injectable – to protect liver), parabolan, oxandrolone (anavar) or Masteron.

It could be also used as a bridge between cycles at a dosage of 10 mg/every day along with aggressive usage of substances, which recover natural testosterone production such as tamoxifen, clomiphen and, probably HCG (pregnyl) right after the cycle. Such dosage will not suppress your natural hormone production at all but maintain it until your glands are recovering after the cycle.

Detection times

Dianabol could be detected in your system by doping tests up to two months

Side effects and PCT (Post Cycle Therapy) with d ianabol

Side effects rarely occur at a dosages up to 20 mg/ED. Dosages over 40 mg/ED (sometimes even much smaller dosages) produces negative effects on the liver values, which are eliminated when usage of the substance is discontinued. During usage it is highly advisable to use liver-protectors such as Liv-52 or Essentiale Forte. Due to these reasons, cycle should be limited to 6-8 weeks and then athlete should make a rest for the same period, although studies have not found any serious problems even after 14 weeks of usage.

Despite the fact that methandrostenolone is transformed into the 17-methyl-estradiol, it suppresses the production of natural testosterone to a much less degree than, let’s say, nandrolone. Single use of even 100 mg (!) of the drug in the period between 7 am and 12 pm resulted in the suppression of endogenous testosterone production only for 30-40 percent. However, prolonged use of high doses of the drug (6-8 weeks), not limited by morning hours only, results, nevertheless, in almost complete inhibition of production of testosterone by the body.

Other side effects are acne (thanks to conversion into dihydrotestosterone), high water retention and gynecomastia ("bitch tits"), which could be treated only by surgery. However, they become considerable only in dosages over 40 mg / day for 6-8 weeks. Acne  could be treated by airol and gynecomastia by using of tamoxifen/clomiphen.

High blood pressure and a faster heartbeat s are also possible, both of these are eliminated by intake of antihypertensive drugs. In theory, dianabol can accelerate hair loss, although this is not proven scientifically. The cure is finasteride (finpecia, proscar)

But in most cases athlete needs during the cycle 20 mg of tamoxifen or 50 mg clomiphene daily. With high dianabol dosages proviron might be a good addition. After the cycle tamoxifen/ clomiphen dosage should be tripled at the first day and duplicated for the other two weeks (in case of lower dianabol dosages, 2nd week after the cycle could be used regular dosage)

Female usage

Back in 60es 5 mg/day dosages were often prescribed to women to achieve feeling of general well-being. However, later studies proven this to be a mistake. Females should avoid using dianabol due to its substantial androgenic effect, which leads to  considerable virilization symptoms 

Injectable dianabol (methandienone)

Recent years certain manufacturers attempt to produce injectable oil methandienone ester. This is quite possible, however, we should note that synthesis of such product might be too expensive and the most important thing is that such molecule becomes too stable due to methyl group in 17-α, which prevents steroid from activation. As a result most of injectable methandienone might remain inactive. And what happens if we remove methyl group from this position and put another ether chain instead? It will become boldenone! So it’s better either to use oral dianabol as it is or injectable boldenone without playing any games with pre-mature substances.

Reported Characteristics

  • Pharmaceutical Name:Methandrostenolone/Methandienone
  • Chemical Structure:17a-methyl-17b-hydroxy-1,4-androstadien-3-one
  • Cutting/Bulking:Bulking
  • Anabolic Rating:90-210
  • Active-Life: 6-8 hours (24 for injectable)
  • Drug Class: Anabolic/androgenic steroid
  • Average Reported Dosage: Men 25-50 mg daily
  • Acne: Possible
  • Water Retention: Yes
  • High Blood Pressure:
  • Aromatization: Yes
  • Liver Toxic: Yes
  • DHT conversion: No
  • Decreases HPTA function: Inhibitory


  • Great effect on the protein metabolism
  • A weight gain of 2 – 4 pounds per week in the first six weeks
  • You can buy Dianabol here

There are several reliable sources where you can buy anabolic steroids:

Deca-Durabolin / Nandrolone Decanoate

Buy Deca Duraboline / Nandrolone Decanoate Buy Deca Duraboline / Nandrolone Decanoate / Decabol Buy Deca Duraboline / Nandrolone Decanoate / DecaJect-Depot
Organon (Holland)
1 Vial x 2ml. [100mg./ml.] Total 200mg
Decabol 250
British Dragon (Thailand)
1 Vial x 10ml. [250mg./ml.] Total 2500mg
EUROCHEM Laboratories (Latvia)
1 Vial 10ml. [250mg./ml.] Total 2500mg
Buy Deca Duraboline / Nandrolone Decanoate / DecaJect Buy Deca Duraboline / Nandrolone Decanoate Buy Deca Duraboline / Nandrolone Decanoate
EUROCHEM Laboratories (Latvia)
1 Vial 10ml. [200mg./ml.] Total 2000mg
Nandrolone Decanoate
Norma Hellas SA (Greece)
1 Vial 2ml. [100mg./ml.] Total 200mg
CS Balkan Pharmaceuticals Ltd. (Moldova)3 amps 1ml. [200mg./ml.] Total 600mg
Buy Deca-Durabolin / Nandrolone Decanoate / Extraboline
Genapharm (Greece)
15 Vials x 2ml. [100mg./ml.] Total 3000mg

Deca Durabolin [Nandrolone Decanoate]

Deca-durabolin is Organon tradename for extremely popular and widely used bulking anabolic steroid, which contains substance called nandrolone decanoate. Another less known but still very efficient nandrolone  ester is phenylpropionate  (Durabolin), which has shorter molecule, less sides but also less pronounced bulking effect. There are dozens of different brand names like Retabolin or Nandrolona-D, but we’ll call it “Deca” for short.

To make it clear – Deca has no oral bioavailability.

With proper diet and usage it reduces body fat, provides great strength and size gains and does not cause problems with the liver. At the same time it increases hematocrit level and bone density, therefore having positive effect not only in sport but also in treating certain forms of cancer,  anemia and osteoporosis, which is very important for females during menopause.

Main advantage of deca-durabolin is good anabolic effect and increased protein synthesis in muscle cells, which leads to superb muscle growth. However, protein building effect will occur in the body only if sufficient amount of calories and proteins is supplied, otherwise good results cannot be obtained.

Since Nandrolone stores more water in the connective tissues, it can temporarily ease or even cure existing pain in joints. This process is called water retention, which is more considerable comparing to using of injectable testosterones and it also leads to bigger outlook. Therefore, athletes who complain about pain in the shoulders, elbows, knees, can safely train with the aid of Deca-Durabolin.

Dosage of 400 mg per week also helps to accelerate recovery due to moderate androgenic effects of deca.

Dosage and usage

Athletes use Deca-Durabolin for muscle buildup and during bulking part of preparation for a contest because Deca promotes protein synthesis although other side of coin is water retention in the body. The dosage for men lies between 200 – 600 mg per week, the most common option is 400 mg. Scientific studies have shown that the best results can be achieved with 4 mg per 1 kg (2 mg/pound) of body weight.

At a dosage below 200 mg per week, the anabolic effects is very weak. 200-600 mg – anabolic effects growth rapidly with dosage. If dosage exceeds 600 mg / week, anabolic effect is still no more than effect of 600 mg  but side effects start killing all positive ones, so this dosage is not advisable. 1000mg is not better than 600 mg.

Beginners should use 200 mg/week, max 400 mg/week.

Inject deca-duraboline (nandrolone decanoate) in equal dosages twice a week deep in muscles, preferably buttocks.


Deca-Durabolin is an effective steroid, which not only gives the desired results, but also goes well with other steroids in order to achieve a more rapid effect.

For muscle-build purposes deca very well combines with Dianabol (methandienone) and Testosterone. The classic Deca / Dianabol combo is for fast and strong gaining of muscle mass. Most athletes usually take 15 – 40 mg Dianabol per day and 200 – 400 mg Deca per week. Even faster results can be achieved with 400 mg of Deca / week and 500 mg Sustanon 250 / week.

Enormous gain in strength and muscle size could be achieved with 400 mg Deca, 500 mg Sustanon 250 / week and 30 mg of Dianabol /  day.

Professional users can combine deca with anapolon (anadrol/oxydrol) instead of dianabol.

A good startup stack is deca (deca durabolin, nandrolone decanoate) 400 mg/week + dianabol (danabol, naposim, methandienone) 40-50 mg/day. Length of cycle is 8 weeks. Don’t forget about anti-estrogen from the week 3 and 1 week after the cycle – tamoxifen or clomid (1 tab ED). For this cycle we advice you also using LIV-52 for liver protection

Using anti-estrogen for this cycle is important. Also, it restores natural test production. Using liv-52 is not absolutely necessary but makes this cycle completely safe.

For the whole 8 week cycle athlete needs:
Deca-Durabolin: 3200mg,
Dianabol ~ 2240-2800 mg,
Tamoxifen (Nolvadex)/Clomid: 50 tabs,
Liv-52: 1 bottle.

Although Deca-Durabolin is not an optimal steroid. When preparing for competition due to excessive water storage many athletes still achieve good results during this phase of preparation if they have sufficient time to “dry” afterwards. Alternatively, athlete may switch from long-acting deca to faster-acting ester duraboline (nandrolon-phenilpropionate) and thus avoid extra water retention.

Classic preparatory stack for contest is following: Deca-Durabolin 400 mg/week, Winstrol 50 mg/day, Parabolan 228 mg/week (every ampule contains 76 mg of substance) , and  Anavar (Oxandrolone) 25-30 mg/day (10 mg tabs).

Injectable Nandrolone (Deca-Durabolin) has no negative effect on the liver even if used for years UNLESS OVERDOSED. It can even be used by persons with liver diseases.

Even deca/dianabol combo negative effect on the liver could be eliminated quickly after user discontinues dianabol part.

Relatively  safe stack is a combination of Deca Durabolin 400 mg/week with Andriol (Restandol) 280mg / day. Both of these products are liver-friendly. However, PCT is still necessary.

Detection times

If doping tests are expected it is better to refrain from taking Deca Durabolin because its traces remain in the body for quite a long time.

In certain cases Nandrolone Decanoate (deca-duraboline) is detectable for up to 18 months (1 and 1/2 year) although this is an extreme occasion.

Side effects and PCT (Post Cycle Therapy) with deca

It’s not advisable to use nandrolone for the athletes below 21 y.o. and especially in prepubescent period because it might be very harmful for their health.

Due to relatively low androgenic ratio, aromatization (i.e. conversion into estrogen) with Deca used standalone appears only at a dose of 400 mg per week, although this does not mean that one should neglect it completely. Aromatization appears for all steroids with androgenic component and may result in growing breast (so-called “bitch tits”), female-pattern fat deposits, etc., so it’s much better to avoid such side effects by using anti-estrogen (see below).

Androgen-related side effects are unlikely to appear at dosages up to 400 mg but still should be considered. They include high blood pressure, blood clotting, which leads to frequent bleeding from the nose and a long healing of scratches, as well as increased production of the sebaceous gland and occasional acne. Some athletes also report headaches and sexual overstimulation. When very high doses are used over a prolonged period they can inhibit spermatogenesis. I.e., testes produce less testosterone because Deca-Durabolin, like almost all steroids, inhibits the release of gonadotropins (Pregnyl (HCG – Human Chorionic Gonadotropin)) from the hypophysis. To prevent this using of :clomiphen:/Tamoxifen (Nolvadex) AFTER the cycle is must-do requirement.

Another common side effect of Deca-Durabolin is excessive water retention, which is not that bad in certain occasions, for instance pain in joints, but most athletes still want to avoid it.

Aromatization and partially water retention could be eliminated by use of Proviron (Masterlone) and Tamoxifen (Nolvadex) (Zymoplex (Tamoxifen Citrate, Nolvadex), Nolvadex, cytotam) or Clomiphene (Clomid). Take 1 tab of clomiphen/tamoxifen during the cycle, 3 tabs for the first day after it  and 2 tabs / ED (every day) for two-three weeks afterwards. Proviron (Masterlone) should be added in case of “heavy” cycle when action of tamo/clom is not sufficient.

Female usage

One of classic female stacks is Deca + Primobolan + winstrol depot or it’s variances Deca+oral primo / Deca+oral winstrol

Deca dosage up to 100 mg per week is normally quite safe for women. With higher dosages Androgen-related side effects may occur. This is called virilization – irreversible appearing of deep “men’s” voice, increased growth of body hair, acne, increased libido, clitoris hypertrophy.

To avoid skin problems female athletes may use more fast-acting :deca-full:. 50-100 mg of Deca-Durabolin per week could be a good choice for them who are very sensitive to androgenic side effects.

But in most cases even long-acting Deca 50-100 mg/week is OK and female athletes may combine it with Anavar (Oxandrolone) 10 mg/ ED (every day). Both compounds, when taken in a low dosage, have only slight androgenic component so that virilization side effects only rarely occur. Deca-Durabolin provides substantial muscle growth and Anavar provides measurable strength gain with very low water retention. Switching from deca to primobolan in this stack will make cycle even safer but gains will be lower, too.


  • International name: Nandrolone
  • Group: Anabolic steroid agent
  • Description of the active substance (INN): Nandrolone
  • Dosage form: solution for intramuscular injection (oil)


Anabolic steroid drug. Comparing to testosterone has a higher, prolonged (3-4 weeks due to using of  decanoate ester) anabolic and low androgenic activity. Causes activation of gene regulators in the cell nucleus by binding to specific protein receptors on the cell surface of target organs and the formation of a complex receptor – Nandrolone, which provides transport across the cell membrane of the last in hyaloplasm where it crosses the nuclear membrane into the cell nucleus.

androgenic effects stimulates the synthesis of nucleic acids (DNA, RNA) and structural proteins (which is associated with increased absorption in the body of nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur, and K +), amplification of tissue respiration and oxidative phosphorylation in skeletal muscle with accumulation macroergs (ATP, creatine phosphate).

Promotes fixation of Ca2 + in the bones, increase bone mass when treating osteoporosis, increases appetite, and muscle mass with a corresponding increase in body weight.

Accelerates the growth of male sex organs and development of secondary male sexual characteristics. Stimulates the secretory activity of androgen glands – male sex glands (activation process of spermatogenesis, sebaceous glands; in large doses causes suppression of Leydig cells and reduces the synthesis of endogenous sex hormones due to the oppression pituitary FSH and LH (negative feedback).

Anabolic effect of Deca-Durabolin is manifested activation of reparative processes in the epithelium (blanket and glandular), bone and muscle tissues by stimulating protein synthesis and structural components of cells. Increases absorption of amino acids from the small intestine (compared to a diet rich in protein), creating a positive nitrogen balance.

Stimulates the production of erythropoietin and activates anabolic processes in bone marrow, treats anemia along with Fe (iron) supplements.

Violates the synthesis of vitamin K-dependent plasma coagulation factors (II, V, VII, X) in the liver, changes the plasma lipid profile (cholesterol concentration increases and decreases – HDL) cholesterol, increases the reabsorption of Na + and water in the kidneys, contributing to the formation of edema.

It is effective in women with disseminated breast carcinoma.


Diabetic retinopathy, progressive muscular dystrophy, infantile progressive atrophy syndrome (Verdniga-Hoffmann), states characterized by a negative balance of Ca2 + (senile and postmenopausal osteoporosis, prolonged treatment with corticosteroids).

Increased catabolic processes, depleting the resources of the body (chronic infections, extensive surgery, SCS-induced myopathy, dekubital sores, burns, severe trauma).

Anemia: against hyperazotemia with chronic renal failure, congenital aplastic anemia, aplastic anemia (with myelofibrosis, mieloskleroze, myeloid bone marrow aplasia, bone marrow metastases of malignant neoplasms, drug myelotoxicity and heavy metal salts).

As an aid in cytostatic therapy of cancer (except prostate cancer), inoperable (metastatic) breast carcinoma in women postmenopauznom period or after ovariectomy.

Pituitary dwarfism in children and adolescents (as adjuvant therapy in low therapeutic effect against the appointment of GH).


Hypersensitivity, prostate cancer, breast cancer (in men), breast cancer (with metastases in the presence of hypercalcemia), severe hepatic failure, nephrosis, glomerulonephritis (nephrotic form), hypercalcemia (including history), pregnancy, prepubescent age.


Coronary artery disease, heart failure, marked atherosclerosis, myocardial infarction (including history), hypertension, stroke, chronic renal failure, epilepsy, migraine, diabetes, prostatic hypertrophy, liver failure, lactation (data on the penetration into breast milk no), children (up to 2 years – the efficacy and safety have not been established) and old age.

Side effects of deca-durabolin (nandrolone decanoate)

Men and women – the progression of atherosclerosis (increase of concentration of LDL and decrease HDL cholesterol concentrations), iron deficiency anemia, peripheral edema, dyspeptic symptoms (epigastric pain, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting), abnormal liver function with jaundice, leukemoid syndrome (leukemia pain in long bones), hypocoagulation with a tendency to bleed, gepatonecrosis (dark stools, vomiting with blood, headache, discomfort, respiratory failure), hepatocellular carcinoma, hepatic purpura (dark urine, fecal discoloration, urticaria, or point makulear hemorrhagic rash on the skin and mucous membranes, sore throat or sore throat), cholestatic hepatitis (yellow coloration of sclera and skin, pain in the right upper quadrant, dark urine, discolored feces), increased secretion of the sebaceous glands, chills, increased or decreased libido, diarrhea, feeling overflow in the stomach, bloating, cramps, sleep disturbance.

For women: effects virilization (clitoral enlargement, deepening or hoarseness, and dis-amenorrhea, hirsutism, acne, steroid, oily skin) Hypercalcemia (CNS depression, nausea, vomiting, fatigue).

Men: in prepubertal – virilism (acne, penis, priapism, development of secondary sexual characteristics), idiopathic hyperpigmentation of the skin, slowing or stopping growth (calcification of the epiphyseal growth zones of long bones) in the period postpubertatnom – irritation of the bladder (increased frequency of desires), mammalgia, gynecomastia, priapism, decreased sexual function, the elderly – hypertrophy and / or carcinoma of the prostate.


  • Symptoms: hepatotoxicity.
  • Treatment: gastric lavage, symptomatic therapy appointment.

Application and dosage:

Intramuscular, an average dose of 50 mg, 1 time every 3-4 weeks. If necessary, increase to 100 mg. Children: 0.4 mg / kg every 3-4 weeks. Duration of therapy to 12 months, if necessary, may repeat course of therapy after 4 weeks of break. In the treatment of severe conditions (including breast cancer, refractory anemia) may require higher doses, determined by comparing the therapeutic effects and the risks and benefits of therapy. Treatment against the background of high-protein diet.

When anemia (in conjunction with drugs Fe) – 100-200 mg (for women – 50-100 mg), 1 per week to stimulate anabolic processes – 50-200 mg (women – 50-100 mg), 1 in 1-4 weeks for children 2-13 years – 25-50 mg 1 every 3-4 weeks.

With carcinoma of the breast (nandrolone phenilpropionate) – 50-100 mg 1 time per week. Duration of treatment – individual.

When anemia in the background hyperazotemia with chronic renal failure and as an auxiliary drugs against cytostatic therapy is prescribed at a dose of 75 mg. Patients with severe chronic renal failure – 50 mg 1 time per week. V / m injection should be deep, preferably in the gluteal muscles.


In the course of treatment requires systematic monitoring of blood concentrations of Ca2 + (especially in patients with breast cancer and the presence of metastases in the bone), cholesterol (especially in patients with concomitant diseases CAS), glucose (diabetes mellitus), hematocrit, Hb, serum phosphorus, as well as the functional state of the liver.
The treatment must be ensured adequate intake of adequate amounts of protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals.

If you have menstrual irregularities and / or signs of virilization treatment should be discontinued.
Suppresses lactation.

The use of anabolic steroids to stimulate athletic qualities can cause serious health problems and is unacceptable.

The cold solution may become cloudy, in this case must be heated to dissolve the crystals vial before use.
Used with caution in children and adolescents due to the risk of premature closure of epiphyseal growth zones, early puberty in males and virilization in women. The acceleration of epiphyseal growth of long bones can be observed in children both during treatment and after 6 months after stopping treatment.
To monitor the status of the epiphyseal growth zones of long bones in children and adolescents is recommended radiographic study of every 6 months.

It should be noted that the use of anabolic steroids in elderly patients may contribute to the development of prostatic hyperplasia.

The feasibility of using anabolic steroids in osteoporosis is unclear (unproven efficacy and high risk of serious side effects.)


Enhances the effects of indirect anticoagulants, insulin and oral hypoglycemic drugs, antiplatelet agents.
Attenuates the effects of growth hormone and its derivatives (accelerates the mineralization of the epiphyseal growth zones of long bones).
GCS and ISS, corticotropin, Na +-containing drugs and foods rich in Na +, increase (each) fluid retention, increasing the risk of edema, increase the severity of acne.
Simultaneous with the appointment of hepatotoxic drugs increases the risk of liver problems.


  • Highly anabolic effect, powerful but in muscle mass growth
  • Liver-friendly
  • The most popular injectable anabolic steroid worldwide
  • You can buy Deca-Durabolin here

There are several reliable sources where you can buy anabolic steroids:

Cytomel T3

Buy Cytomel T3
Berlin Chemie AG (Germany)
60 Tabs x 50mcg Total 3000mcg

Cytomel (liothyronine sodium, triiodtironine, T3)

There are several thyroid hormones which play role in metabolic activity of human organism. They are triiodide-thyronine (L-T3), L-thyroxine (L-T4) and thyrotrophic hormone, which initiates synthesis and activation of thyroxine. Cytomel is a synthetic form levothyroxine sodium which is analogous to triiodide-thyronine.

Cytomel is about 4-5 times more efficient than levothyroxine T4. It has a quicker effect and shortened half-life. In medical practice it is used as a cure for thyroid deficiency (hypothyroidism), fatness, fatigue syndrome etc. Though T3 usage may stop your thyroid functioning for a while – it is safe if you use it properly.

Cytomel may decrease the size of your muscles unless you take anavar, winstrol or primobolan along with it. Clenbuterol may also be helpful. Cytomel T3 is widely used in body-building and fitness as a fat-burner in pre-contest cycles. It can reduce your fat by 5kg in two weeks without exhausting diet or training.

T3 regulates metabolism in cells, so the higher its level the more energy you spend and therefore the more fat you metabolize. Low doses may cause muscle growth, especially when it is accompanied with steroids, probably due to higher protein turnover. Meanwhile high doses may decrease your fat along with muscles. Extreme doses can even destruct your bones.

Cytomel (Liothyronine Sodium) can be used instead of proviron in pre-contest cycles, which is good especially for women. The stack of T3 and clenbuterol may cause tremendous burning of fat due to synergistic effect on beta-2-receptors in adipocytes.

However for bodybuilders taking protein-rich diet is necessary, as well as such steroids like winstrol or primobolan, else you may greatly decrease your muscle mass. You can get optimal results during a short time if you use a combination of Insulin, Cytomel, Primobolan (or Winstrol) and HGH.

Cytomel T3 in bodybuilding and fitness

It’s perfectly suit to burn fat and get a relief in pre-competition cycle. Average effect is burning 5 kgs (11 lbs) within 2 weeks with regular diet and normal workout.

Natural T3 is a regulator of the oxidative metabolism in cell’s mitochondria. Thus higher T3 level means  an increase in overall metabolic activity – your body spends more energy and burns more fat because of this. In low dosages, especially if taken along with steroids, it can even serve for certain muscle growth – due to increased metabolism. However, in high dosages it shifts towards catabolism and burns fat along with muscles (too high dosages may even lead to destruction of bones!).

Bodybuilders take advantage of these characteristics and stimulate their metabolism by taking Cytomel (Liothyronine Sodium), which causes a faster conversion of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. Bodybuilders, of course, are especially interested in an increased lipolysis, which means increased fat burning. Competing body builders, in particular, use Cytomel (Liothyronine Sodium) during the weeks before a championship since it helps to maintain an extremely low fat content, without necessitating a hunger diet. Athletes who use low dosages of Cytomel (Liothyronine Sodium) report that by the simultaneous intake of steroids, the steroids become more effective, most likely as the result of the faster conversion of protein.

Cytomel (Liothyronine Sodium), is a good replacement for proviron on pre-competition cycles, especally for females. The over stimulated thyroid burns calories like a blast furnace. Those who combine T3 and clenbuterol receive synergetic effect especially because of better regulation of beta 2 receptors in fat tissue, which clen tends to deregulate. As a result these two compounds burn an enormous amount of fat.

Proper high-protein diet is important, taking non-bulking steroids like winstrol or primo is desirable while taking T3, otherwise athlete may lose too much muscle, especially while dieting.

A good stack for max results during minimal time might be Insulin, T3, AAS like primo or winstrol and HGH.


As Liothyronine Sodium is rather potent hormone you have to be cautious with dosages. It is necessary to start with low doses and gradually increase them during several days. The usual scheme is 25mcg/day (1 tab) at the beginning gradually increasing it every 3-4 days by 1 tablet. Do not exceed 100mcg/day. The daily dose should be divided into 3 parts and taken separately, which increases its efficiency. If you still take this medication at once, you should do this in the morning.

Men usually take 50mcg, meanwhile for women the dosage should be smaller and it must be individual. Remember that Cytomel at doses 25mcg may cause growth of muscles, which is significant for those women who take it for weight loss only.

Your diet should be rich in proteins if you are not going to lose muscles. The contents of proteins in your food should be 2g per 1kg (2lbs) of your weight. Also workouts are recommended in order to avoid disproportions of your physique.

The period of Cytomel usage should not exceed 6-8 weeks. After that you should refrain from taking it for at least  2 months. If you take high doses for a long period you may develop chronic thyroid insufficiency, and as a result you will have to use this hormone lifelong. Therefore do not exceed the recommended dosages and terms of usage.

One more important thing about this hormone is that one shouldn’t stop using it immediately. The doses should be lowered gradually and smoothly. Before using Cytomel you have to consult your doctor to make sure that you don’t have hyperfunction of thyroid.

If you use Cytomel to improve protein turnover in a mass-gaining cycle, do not exceed 50mcg/day, though 25mcg/day is better for these purposes. For cutting purposes you should take higher dosage. T4 may also do the job (instead of T3), but its dosage differs. The ratio of T4/T3 is approximately 4.5 to 1, i.e. 100mcg of T3 equals 450mcg of T4. However we think that lower dosages of T3 is better.

Usually the dosage of T3 is gradually increased till full dosage within 4-7 days. At the end of a cycle it should be reduced accordingly. However it’s better to prolong the “reduction” period in order to proper restart thyroid, and make it “smoothly”. In other word, you should spend about 5% of your cycle on increase, about 50 % on maximal dosage, and the rest of the time on reduction period.

Here is an example of 3-week cycle (25mcg tablets)

  • First four days: 1, 1.5, 2, 3 tablets
  • Seven days: 4 tablets
  • Ten days: 3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, .5, .5 tablets

Note that normally your heart makes about 60-70 beats per minute. If you have the higher rate you should take  metapronol (from 25 to 100 mgs/day, do not exceed the dosage).

Female usage

Cytomel is widely used by women in sports, especially in bodybuilding and fitness. As females have lower rate of metabolism it is hard for them to get into shape. With Cytomel (Liothyronine Sodium) one can avoid exhausting diet with less than 1000 calories a day. Since women are more inclined to side-effects than men, they shouldn’t exceed the dose 50mcg/day. A short-term usage of Cytomel is definitely healthier than extreme dieting.

Liothyronine Sodium Side Effects

Cytomel enhance the growth hormone production, which is not bad actually, however it increases fat and muscle burning. So, the combination of Cytomel and exogenous HGH may cause a synergistic effect, but taking some steroids can be helpful in this case.

Among side effects one should mention: trembling of hands, nausea, headaches, high perspiration, and increased heartbeat. These adverse effects can be solved by temporal reduction of the daily dose.


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Buy ClomidAnfarm Hellas S.A. (Greece)
24 Tabs x 50mg Total 1200mg

Clostilbegit / Clomid

A triphenyl ethylene stilbene derivative which is an estrogen agonist or antagonist depending on the target tissue.

Clostilbegit – Clomid is the anti-estrogen of choice for improving recovery of natural testosterone production after a cycle, improving testosterone production of endurance athletes, and is also effective in reducing risk of gynecomastia during a cycle employing aromatizable steroids.While it has been claimed that Clomid “stimulates” production of LH and therefore of testosterone, in fact Clomid’s activity is achieved not by stimulation of the hypothalamus and pituitary, but by blocking their inhibition by estrogen.

Clomid (Clostilbegit) is a mixed estrogen agonist/antagonist (activator/blocker) which, when bound to the estrogen receptor, puts it in a somewhat different conformation (shape) than does estradiol. The estrogen receptor requires binding of an estrogen or drug at its binding site and also the binding of any of several cofactors at different sites. Without the binding of the cofactor, the estrogen receptor is inactive. Different tissues use different cofactors. Some of these cofactors are able to bind to the estrogen receptor/Clomid complex, but others are blocked due to the change in shape. The result is that in some tissues Clomid acts as an antagonist – the cofactor used in that tissue cannot bind and so the receptor remains inactive – and in others Clomid acts as an agonist (activator), because the cofactors used in that tissue are able to bind. Clomid is an effective antagonist in the hypothalamus and in breast tissue. It is an effective agonist in bone tissue, and for improving blood cholesterol. Clomid also has the property of reducing the adverse effect of exercise-induced damage of muscle tissue. This is very significant for endurance athletes but is not very significant, if at all significant, with reasonable weight training. Clomid does not perceptibly affect gains of the weight trainer either favorably or adversely in my experience.

The drug seems to have estrogenic effects on mood, which can be beneficial (improving relationships with women by improving empathy) or can yield depression or PMS-like symptoms, but for most users there is no significant effect either way. The claim that duration of intake should not exceed 10-14 days is incorrect. Clinical studies with male patients have been for periods of a year or longer. This error probably originates from the fact that, for use in women, due to the menstrual cycle there would obviously be no point in trying to stimulate ovulation all four weeks of the month. Thus, use in women is limited to 10-14 days. That limitation is not because of toxicity.

Clomid is in fact useful throughout a cycle if aromatizable drugs are being used. We do think however that to be conservative, one should use it no more than 2/3 of the time throughout the year or a little less.


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Buy ClomidAnfarm Hellas S.A. (Greece)
24 Tabs x 50mg Total 1200mg

Clomid (Clomifert, Clomiphene Citrate, Clostilbegit)

Clomid belongs to a class of drugs called anti-estrogens. It recovers endogenous synthesis of testosterone after steroid cycle. Also it prevents the risks of gynecomastia in athletes taking steroids which are prone to aromatization. Clomid is believed to activate the production of LH and hence testosterone synthesis, but it’s not the case. In fact it prevents inhibition of hypothalamus and pituitary by estrogen.

Clomid works as activator and blocker of estrogen receptor at the same time. It depends on the tissue where this receptor is located. By attaching to receptor it alters its conformation in a different way than estrogen does. As estrogen receptor needs both estrogen and co-factor to function, the altered conformation doesn’t allow it to do this. Without co-factor it stays nonfunctional.

As we mentioned above different tissues has different receptors. Some receptors can accept co-factor to Clomid-receptor complex, but others cannot do that. This leads to different effect of this drug (inhibitor/activator) in various tissues. Both of these functions are important.

For instance, Clomid works as powerful inhibitor of estrogen receptor in hypothalamus and in breast tissue, thus preventing gynecomastia. And at the same time it is an efficient activator in the bone tissue, which positively affects blood cholesterol.

One more significant fact about Clomid is that it can reduce the damage of muscles, which is caused by overtraining.  This feature is rather important for endurance sportsmen. It doesn’t influence the gain of muscles. Clomid may also affect the mood and cause depression or symptoms reminding PMS but in rare occasions.

Some users think that Clomid cycle should not be longer than 10-14days, but it’s not correct. The clinical trials showed that male users can take it for more than one year without adverse effects. However women are not recommended to use it for more than two weeks.

This limitation is due to the fact that this drug stimulates ovulation in women and not out of toxicity issues. So, men taking easily aromatizable steroids can safely use it during the cycle or after it. However it’s better not to use it for more than 2/3 of the year.


  • Stimulates production of LH and of natural testosterone, necessary for PCT
  • Reduces risk of gynecomastia
  • You can buy Clomid (clomiphene) here

There are several reliable sources where you can buy anabolic steroids:


Buy Clenbuterol clenbuterol HCL by Balkan clenbuterol HCL by Balkan
Shanghai Huayu Pharm Factory (China)
100 Tabs x 0.04mg Total 4mg
CS Balkan Pharmaceuticals Ltd. (Moldova)
100 tabs, each tab 0.04mg
Clenbuterol [Clenbuterol HCL] – Sopharma (Bulgaria) 200 Tabs x 0.02mg Total 4mg


Clenbuterol [Clen buterol HCL tabs]


Clenbuterol is a β2 adrenergic agonist with some similarities to Ephedrine, but its effects are more potent and longer-lasting as a stimulant and thermogenic drug. It causes an increase in aerobic capacity, CNS stimulation, and an increase in blood pressure and oxygen transportation. It increases the rate at which fat and protein is used up in the body at the same time as slowing down the storage of glycogen. It is commonly used for smooth muscle relaxant properties. This means that it is a bronchodilator and tocolytic. It is usually used in dosages anywhere from 20-60 micrograms a day when prescribed. A dose of about 150 μg should never be exceeded in a day. It is also prescribed for treatment of horses, however, equestrian usage is usually the liquid form of Clenbuterol. It works under the PNS-sympathetic.

The substance Clenbuterol-hydrochloride is also available in various other forms of administration, including syrups, drops, liquids, dosing aerosols, injectable solutions, and granules. Since athletes usually prefer tablets, manufacturers and trade names offering this oral version are listed.

Clenbuterol is a very interesting and remarkable compound. It is not a steroid hormone but a beta-2-symphatomimetic. Its effects, however can by all means be compared to those of steroids. Similar to a combination of Winstrol Depot and Anavar, Clenbuterol can cause a solid, highly qualitative muscle growth which goes hand in hand with a significant strength gain. Clenbuterol, above all, has a strong anticatabolic effect, which means it decreases the rate at which protein is reduced in the muscle cell, consequently causing an enlargement of muscle cells. For this reason, numerous athletes use Clenbuterol after steroid treatment to balance the resulting catabolic phase and thus obtain maximum strength and muscle mass.

A further aspect of Clen is its distinet fat-burning effect. It burns fat without dieting because it inereases the body temperature slightly, forcing the body to burn fat for this process. Clenbuterol, in the meantime, is not only a favorite competition compound among professional bodybuilders. An especially intense fat-burning occurs when Clen is combined with the LT3-thyroid hormone compound Cytomel. Due to the higher body temperature Clenbuterol magnifies the effect of anabolic/androgenic steroids taken simultaneously, since the protein processing is increased. The dosage depends on body weight and can be optimized by measuring the body temperature. Athletes usually take 5-7 tablets, 100-140 mcg per day. For women 80-100 mcg/day are usually sufficient. It is important that the athlete begin by taking only one tablet on the first day and then increasing the dosage by one tablet each of the following days until the desired maximum dosage is reached. Following, there are several schedules for taking Clenbuterol.

On the one hand, emphasis is placed on the burning of fat; on the other hand, importance is placed on a balanced relationship between strength and muscle growth as well as fat reduction. The compound is usually taken over a period of 8-10 weeks. Since it is not a hormone compound it has no side effects typical of anabolic steroids For this reason it is also liked by women. Possible side effects of Clenbuterol include restlessness, palpitations, tremor (involuntary trembling of fingers), headache, increased perspiration, insomnia, possible muscle spasms, increased blood pressure, and nausea. Note that these side effects are of a temporary nature and usually subside after 8-10 days, despite continuation of the product. Throughout Europe the substance Clenbuterol hydrocloride must be prescribed by a physician. Clenbuterol is not officially available in the U.S.



  • strong anti-catabolic effect
  • Burns fat
  • Muscle growth
  • You can buy Clenbuterol here

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